Naperville Headshot Photographer

Naperville photographer

Headshots! Its always time for headshots! LOL When I poste headshot posts, I like to pull just a single one from a session. So as I was going through the list of outstanding blog posts yet to do, it was great to see and be reminded how much variety can occur with a simple headshot. …

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Naperville Newborn Photographer | Baby C

Chicago newborn photographer

One of the biggest honors is to be asked to photograph another photographer’s family.  That is a great gift.  But it is all together something else when a world-class photographer and icon asks you to do newborn pictures of their grandchild.  Like, seriously, no pressure!! LOL  Now, I only do newborn sessions in my studio.…

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Happy Birthday! | Hinsdale baby photographer

Naperville baby photographer

I did her mom’s maternity session while she was still in momma’s belly.  I met her when she was a wee newborn.  Then again at her six month session.  And now it was time for her one year celebration, finalizing the Baby’s First Year Plan and combining all of those sessions into a single Heirloom…

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All in the Family | Naperville Photographer

Naperville family photographer

One of my favorite things is getting to photograph an extended family session.  When families get together and choose me as their Naperville photographer, it’s like being invited to the party.  Cousins, grandparents – all together for some reason, and Firefly Nights Photography  is there to memorialize the time with some beautiful pictures. So quite…

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Naperville Photographer | A Talented Group

Naperville family photographer

When people think of hiring their Naperville photographer for a family session, it is part of the norm when the kids are little.  They change so drastically year to year, that it isn’t odd to see families every year until the kids get a bit older. Then it is every two to three years.  But…

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