Beauty | Chicago Senior Photographer

Indian senior pictures

I’m getting off my butt to do a much needed blog post. So I dug out this senior session. I forgot just how stunning this senior girl was. Like, trying to narrow down which images to post here was seriously hard. She was gorgeous in every single one!   I have a lot of Indian…

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Golden Light | Naperville Photographer

Naperville photographer

When picking a location, I think about the style and the individuals involved.  For this late summer/early fall session, I knew I would be photographing this sweet three year old who would want to be on the move. So I chose a place she could adventure and discover nature. I love bare feet in water.…

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At Home | Chicago Photographer

Chicago family photographer

Yes, Firefly Nights Photography is a Naperville Photographer because our studio is located in Naperville, but that doesn’t mean we are only a Naperville photographer. We have clients all over the Chicago area, mostly in the western suburbs. When clients want to book a session, I have many locations to recommend, but I also travel…

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