A Bit of Fantasy | Chicago Senior Photographer
If you follow my work, you know I love to stretch my creativity. You probably also have seen how much I love fantasy. So when a senior travels from Oklahoma just for me to do her senior pictures because she wants to do something unlike anyone around her….well, I was up for the job!!
We did many different things for her session, so I’m going to only show a single image from each type of picture we did. I think she wins for the most outfit changes in a session. LOL
So we started with “normal” senior pictures. LOL But we went with cool and a bit edgy. I loved this spot!

And we also wanted to show her girl and soft side, so it was into this sweet dress, and we put up one of my swings in a tree for her. I love adding the ivy along the rope.

So now let’s take a left turn into fantasy. This pretty lass is very Irish, and what she really wanted was to go to Ireland. I told her, “I can do that for you!” And for a lot less money. LOL So I put her on the rocky Irish coast.

Now, this senior was also an elite softball player, too! And we all know how much I love my athlete pictures. So I created this one to do something new.

And lastly, we went for full fantasy. We created this top out of moss and added it to her hair. The umbrella is also made of moss. We were running out of daylight as the sun was setting. Being in the woods, it was getting dark fast, but that totally worked for the mood we wanted.

So…do you think we did enough types of pictures?! LOL Like I said, this is in no way a typical senior session, but it was so much fun!