Naperville Headshot Photographer
Who needs professional headshots? The answer – if you work, YOU do! Seriously, there isn’t a profession that shouldn’t have professional headshots. Now, that doesn’t mean everyone needs to be in a suit and look like a banker or lawyer. Headshots need to represent you and your industry and appeal to your target market. Trust me, you are judged based on your pictures, and having a candid image says you are not professional and lends itself to also thinking your company is not professional.
Here is a bunch of headshots for a variety of professions. Once we are able to open our doors again, headshots are an easy session to do while still maintaining social distancing. I can easily stay away, even in studio, with headshots. Easy peasy. And of course, outdoor sessions allow for plenty of distance.
If your current headshot is more than three years old, you need to have it updated.