Had to Happen | Naperville Photographer, Hinsdale Photographer
Well, it was bound to happen. I’ve been in business for over five years, and I guess I’ve been lucky, but it finally happened. We had an accident on set. This great family came into the studio (it was too cold to go outside) for some family pictures. Their little guy is two. He had been doing pretty well with doing what we wanted. We were still early on, and we wanted to get some pictures individually of each child. He was up first. I was pulled back to take pictures. We wanted him to sit in the middle of the couch, well, he tried to follow directions by sitting in the middle – on the back of the couch. As soon as I saw what he was about to do, I moved toward him in slow motion – as did his mom who was to the side of the couch. But quicker than either of us could get there, he flipped over backwards and landed on his back and head on my hardwood floors. Big sister screamed and probably cried as much as he did. Thankfully, he was just scared and not injured. And like all children, he was quick to rebound and give me lots of smiles as he tried to scare me with big roars.