Fall Twins | Wheaton Photographer
There are some clients I see every year. I watch their kids grow up, and I feel like an extended family member. I get to know what their into, who they become. And they get to know all my bad jokes. LOL This is one of those families. I only ever photographed the twins, never the parents, and I realize now that I won’t see them this year because I did their senior pictures already. I wonder what they are up to now? Are they enjoying college?
This is a location I rarely use, though it is beautiful. It’s only really pretty in the fall, but it also has a ton of open sunlight, which I don’t tend to love. lol Part of the challenge of seeing a client year after year is picking new settings for them!
These two were always great sports together. I always made them do at least one picture either hugging or with an arm around each other, which always earned me an eye roll. But they didn’t really complain. LOL I told them that their mom will always want that, to which she agreed. Besides the open grasses surrounding a pond, there were also some cool evergreens which gave us a different look, which I loved here.
I also loved getting the twins’ personalities to show separately as we did individuals of them. She was always sweet and chatty. He was more reserved but still totally up for anything. Here you really get to see the amber grasses bordering the pond. The fall trees in the background really made for a beautiful setting.
I probably wouldn’t choose this location during the summer, but come fall, just tell me if you want something like this.
But don’t worry, I have tons of locations in mind when clients book their photoshoot with Firefly Nights Photography. Whether you want urban, woodsy, big skies, bridges, gardens, metropolitan, etc, I’m up for it all! And trusting your photographer to know where to go is what I recommend. We know where will provide for good pictures, because just because a place is beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean it is good for pictures. Do we need a permit to photograph there? Where will the sun be? That is the single most important question. I will never have people with the sun in their eyes.