All the Family | Oak Brook Photographer
When I am asked to come to a client’s home and use their home/yard as the setting for a session, I’m always a little dubious. Not that my clients don’t have gorgeous yards, but they aren’t thinking about where the sun is, etc. It was my first time being the photographer for this Oak Brook family. When I arrived to this lovely home, I knew we could use the back patio area nicely. The cream stone made for a beautiful, neutral design aspect.
Oh, did I mention they had two adorable grand dogs?? And one was a Bernese Mountain Dog! I love all dogs, but Berners will forever have a special place in my heart, as we’ve had two in the past. This was a session for mom and dad, as well as their adult kids and their spouses and dogs.

Having family portraits done isn’t just for when your kids are little. It really is a treasure of a moment in time. And this is that moment when kids are grown adults but before they have grandkids.
Ok, this is the funny part – and why a photographer sees things differently than our clients. As I looked around for good spots to use as a setting, I saw how beautiful this line of trees were with the sun glowing through the leaves from behind. In reality, these trees border their driveway and their neighbor’s! They never considered doing pictures on their driveway, but it is awesome!

I brought some stools to use to give us more options in terms of posing. I love having various heights when posing families. Having all those leaves on the ground helped to mask that we were on a driveway.

Then we also did breakouts of each child with their spouse and dog and the parents. Gotta love a Golden Retriever smile!

But the small Berner wasn’t to be outdone.

And I couldn’t resist trying to get a picture of the dogs together. I had their owners stand right by my and get their attention.

My site wasn’t working to let me upload images for a bit, but I hope it is fixed now, so that I can work on getting through so many blog posts! If you are looking for your Oak Brook photographer, we hope you consider Firefly Nights Photography.