Chicago Baby Photographer, Naperville Photographer

I love it when my clients love my work enough to recommend me to their friends and family.  One of my clients referred me to her brother for his son’s one year pictures.  It was a delight to meet this new family.  Originally, we were supposed to meet outside for pictures, but it was one of those high humidity and in the 90’s days a couple weeks ago.  I would have made it work, but they were rightfully worried about getting all sweaty and making for a crabby baby.  So they came to the studio.  And wouldn’t you know it – my air conditioner wasn’t working!!  Seriously!  Luckily, my studio always stays fairly cool and we turned on a fan.  (yes, I’ve fixed it since then, so no worries).  I felt so bad.  Here they were wanting to avoid getting all sweaty and we were still sweating.  At least it wasn’t nearly as bad as being outside.

So meet this little one year old.  He was so smiley and cute.  Just walked around and pointed at the lights.  He was very interested in all the lights.

Naperville baby photographer


Look at that huge smile he has with his dads.

Downers Grove baby photographer


Then it was time for some naked baby on the bed.  He was very curious about my camera and kept coming at me. LOL

Chicago baby photographer


He also got some tickles for a bit.

Hinsdale baby photographer


He was getting pretty worn out from all this playing, so it was time for a refreshing bottle of water.  Doesn’t it look like he’s saying “Cheers!” here?

Elmhurst baby photographer


We tried for one more outfit change, but he was getting pretty worn out.

Wheaton baby photographer


So we decided that since they had originally wanted outdoor pictures, we could walk to the river walk and get a couple.  And this was definitely my favorite family pictures. I love the hats!

Plainfield baby photographer

After this, he was done and fixated on the large fountain right in front of the bridge.  I’m so glad I got to meet this wonderful family and hope they bring their son back again! I can’t wait to see him with hair. LOL

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