Special Needs Mini-Sessions (Part 1) | Naperville Photographer
I absolutely love April. It is Autism Awareness Month, something I hold very dear. But mostly, I love being able to provide my special needs mini-sessions for families with special needs children. For many of these families, getting professional portraits is something they have never done, or if they have, they had bad experiences. Their children may not smile on cue, may have behaviors that most photographers do not know how to handle. I think between my assistant and I, we have seen everything come through our doors at some point or other. There is nothing more rewarding than having a mother tell me that they have never had pictures taken, they are super worried and expecting the worst – then provide not only great pictures, but a great experience for both the child and parents.
We started our day with this awesome boy. He is five years old and has Down Syndrome. The mom warned me that she didn’t think I’d get anything out of him. Boy was she totally wrong. I’m very glad they were able to make it, as the mom and son had been accepted for an intense feeding therapy trial on the east coast and were leaving a couple days later for two months. I sincerely hope they see improvement! Doesn’t he just make you smile?!
Next up is a family I hold dear. I’ve photographed them since their oldest boy was a newborn. It was such a great surprise to see him walk! It is the first time I have seen it. Colton has a large microarray duplication on chromosome 2q23.1. There are less than 50 known cases worldwide. Colton started attending Ann Reid Early Childhood Center in August 2015, prior he was only able to walk with his walker a short distance in the house or the yard. In school, he could walk the hallways all day everyday! In October 2015 he started walking out of his walker with a weighted vest and by December he was walking on his own. He loves cars, so they are always on guard to keep him from walking into the street. Colton is still non-verbal and very delayed. He loves to be around other kids. His way of interacting with them is to stand in front of them and move his hands. And you can imagine, this isn’t always well received by other children, but we are happy he keeps rockin!
Next up is a family I’ve been photographing since their son was three months old. I have loved watching them grow. Caiden is a happy, eight-year old boy with a ready smile. He is enthusiastically funny. He currently receives speech therapy services for his articulation disorder, and has since age two. Caiden’s low muscle tone can make some fine and gross motor activities more challenging for him. But, through hard work, perseverance, and therapy, he is making great progress in all areas!
Then we have a boy who I met last year for the first time. He is a fifth grade boy with high-functioning Autism. He reminds me a lot of my own son, and his mom and I have traded stories, as we both signed up our boys for drum lessons over the winter. He is a brilliant kid. Last year, he told me he wanted to be a forensic geologist when he grew up, but things have changed. And now he wants to be a history teacher (he would rock) or an economist or a basketball analyst. Seriously, I love this kid. And this year, I got to meet his little sister.
Then it was time for Miss Bella, a ten year old girl who has non-verbal Autism. She almost always has a hat on her head, and has for the past three years she has come to me. This year, though, she has a computer device to allow her to communicate and was able to tell me she wanted cheeseburgers and to be done. The ability to communicate is a gift so many of us take for granted. I am so glad Bella is finally being able to communicate, as well. She is a very active girl, what with track and field in the Special Olympics and participating in the IL Miss Amazing Pageant. This pageant is to celebrate individuals that are effects with disabilities share their abilities. This year, she was not in a smiley mood, but I still love these of her.