Naperville Photographer, Downers Grove Photographer | Family Fun

Most of my clients come to me after seeing my work online or from their friends and family.  I do not often photograph people I actually know.  I’m so not someone to recommend myself to friends.  Not my thing.  So flash forward to my family getting a new piano teacher recently.  She sees one of our large family portraits by the door and says, “You know, I really need to find a photographer to do my own family pictures.”  I give her a look and say, “You know I’m a photographer, right?  I took that.”  She had no idea. LOL  And hence, I got to photograph my piano teacher’s wonderful family!

Her kids were so sweet and fun.  Their little boy seriously glowed with personality. When he gave me a big smile, it was like someone switched on a light inside him.  Their daughter is reaching that transitional stage from childhood into tweenhood.  But the reason they really wanted to do family pictures right now was that both kids’ smiles were going to be changing soon.  The boy would soon loose his first baby tooth, forever changing that innocent smile.  And their girl is scheduled for oral surgery soon, which will change her smile, too.

I love this family picture.  I love group hugs and squeezing people together.

Naperville photographer


We did lots of lifestyle pictures with the kids playing, but this is my favorite from them.  And that was the actual sky. I just darkened it a bit.

Downers Grove photographer


Then I stuck them in a field.  The weeds were too tall to let their son stand, but I love him cuddled up with his mom.

Hinsdale photographer


Of course I had fun getting individuals of the kids.

Elmhurst photographer


Oak Brook photographer


And I always enjoy photographing parents – just them.

Wheaton photographer


Then just one more fun one with a different editing style:

Burr Ridge photographer

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