Archive for December 2015
Burr Ridge Baby Photographer, Naperville Baby Photographer
I don’t usually go to people’s houses unless they want to use their home as the background for their pictures. This family wanted to have me out to their beautiful home for their son’s one year pictures. It was a very rainy day, which was unfortunate, as we couldn’t go outside for any pictures. Thankfully,…
Read MoreChicago Baby Photographer, Naperville Baby Photographer
I have photographed this family so many times in the past few years. I don’t know what we are going to do once this little girl graduates from her Baby’s First Year Plan. Maybe we will all go into withdrawl from not seeing each other so much. Or they can have another baby and start…
Read MoreNaperville HeadShot Photographer, Chicago Commercial Photographer
I was hired recently by a magazine to photograph this group of lawyers for them. The magazine is out of Texas and were trying to find someone in the area to go to the law firm, have a black backdrop and professional lighting. After seeing what they wanted, I agreed I could head out to…
Read MoreDowners Grove Senior Photographer, Naperville Senior Photographer
I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this family for a couple years. Now I got the pleasure of photographing this 2016 high school senior. I hope to be photographing her twin sister in the spring for her senior portraits. When we had our consultation, I learned that she is in color guard. I freely admit…
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