Naperville Family Photographer, Hinsdale Photographer
I’ve been hosting my Fall Color mini-sessions for five years now, and in that time, I have never had to reschedule due to the weather. I guess I’ve been overly lucky, and it was only a matter of time. This year, we were scheduled, had 23 families booked for our 15 minute minis, and what happened? We had super winds and rain in the morning, but it was dark and very windy the rest of the day, too. The day before our sessions, I was frantically calling everyone to try and get them rescheduled into my schedule. Thankfully, I was able to get almost everyone rescheduled into another couple of days. It was a crazy day full of stress, that is for sure!
Two families were not able to reschedule, so we waited until as late in the day as possible. It was still windy, but not as bad as it could have been. First up was an extended family. Good thing you can’t tell how dark it was. I had my light but with it being so windy, I couldn’t use it.
This group is always a hoot. Their parents were able to hold my light for me.
The rest of these were the very next morning, when it was sunny and beautiful. This family is always great. Usually the son is super shy and takes to the very end to warm up. This time, he showed up not only ready to smile, but being a ham!
This was also a day of twins. These three were full of mischief. It had been a while since I had seen them and was great to see how they’ve grown.
Here was another set of twins. Now these guys I’ve seen frequently. Now that they passed their first birthday, I’m happy I still get to see them.
And yet another set of twins! This group involved some serious kid wrangling from mom and dad!
I get to see these guys every year. Its crazy that the boy is now a teenager!
Another family I always love. This was their best year with both boys smiling wonderfully with me.
And I totally didn’t recognize the little one here! She was NOT a smiley girl at first. Thankfully, we got her turned around by the end.
I’m so glad I was able to squeeze these mini-session retakes in on this morning, as I had two full sessions already scheduled for this day….which I better get to editing.