Naperville Photographer, Downers Grove Photographer

I absolutely hate losing families when they move away.  Breaks my heart, but I’m thrilled when new families move into the area and are in need of a photographer, especially when they are a family who really gets photography.  This next family is new to the area and specifically wanted a photographer with a studio.  Now a days with what seems like everyone being a photographer, you have to do your homework to make sure the one you are hiring has an actual studio.  Okay, so we know I have a studio – a great one in downtown Naperville – and with that means I totally use studio lighting, which means I have large softboxes that flash when I take a picture.  It has actually only happened twice in my career, but this little baby girl was actively frightened of the flashes.  The lights themselves didn’t bother her, but she would cringe and cry when the lights went off.  But, I’m not one to give up easily.

I started them on the bed, figuring she would feel safest being held by her mommy.  I then turned on my modeling light and took off my transmitter, so the flashes wouldn’t work, but I had light with the modeling light.  Not ideal, but at least it got her used to the set up and me.  Then she would be anxious if I lifted the camera up to my face, knowing what was coming.  So I had to show her my camera, let her see, etc.  Eventually, she finally relaxed, and we were able to use the lights again.

I promised the family that the end result would be good, but during the session, it can be stressful.  But as you can see below, we got some great ones.

Chicago family photographer


Naperville family photographer


I had to get one of her being upset.  😉

Downers Grove photographer


I was so glad that big sister was calm and happy.  She was a great trooper while we worked with her baby sister.

Hinsdale photographer


Elmhurst photographer


I totally love these next two images of these sisters.

Wheaton photographer


Plainfield photographer


Mission accomplished! 😉

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