Hinsdale Baby Photographer, Naperville Baby Photographer | Lashes

Do you ever notice that babies have the longest eyelashes?  And why is it that baby boys seem to get the longest of them all?? Seriously, what’s up with that?  Where’s the justice?  I know I would gladly trade my own lashes for my son’s.  And this darling six month old baby boy had possibly the most incredible lashes I’ve ever seen.  They almost look fake. LOL  I hadn’t seen this little cutie since his newborn pictures with me, and my how he’s grown.  I love six month olds because they are just happy little nuggets.  Not crawling, yet.  Not really going anywhere, just content to be smiles at and play some peek-a-boo.  This little guy was full of smiles, which I totally loved.  But before we focused on him, we had to grab a quick family picture.

His older brother was very happy to jump on the bed in the studio later on. 😉

Chicago baby photographer


This set up is one of my favorites for little boys.  So rustic.

Naperville baby photographer


Downers Grove baby photographer


Hinsdale baby photographer


Check out my new wainscoting on my walls in the studio.  It looks awesome!

Elmhurst baby photographer


Wheaton baby photographer


And as I’ve always said, babies love my bed!  But I love their creamy skin against the white sheets.  Just so innocent and pure.

Plainfield baby photographer


Ok, this next one I just love.  It makes me smile.

Naperville photographer


Who cares that it is cold and miserable outside when you can come indoors to my lovely studio?  Firefly Nights Photography is ready and waiting for your photography needs.  Want to go outside?  I’m game, but don’t think you have to wait until the weather turns in order to get great pictures now.

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