Entrepreneurs in the Arts – North Central College talk, Naperville Photographer

I was honored to be asked to talk to a group from North Central College regarding entrepreneurship in the arts.  They did a walking tour of three businesses in downtown Naperville – all artists who have started their own successful businesses.  I am actually a total introvert, but I am also a nervous talker, so put in front of a group, and I can’t shut up because I get nervous. LOL  Hence why people are surprised that I am an introvert, but I am.  🙂  It was great to talk with fellow artists.  There were photographers, bakers, musicians, etc, and they seemed to appreciate the insight I gave about starting a business.  If you want to see the full article, it was posted in the Naperville Sun newspaper on February 26, also available HERE.

Thank you, North Central College, and the Trendventure group.

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