Baby Grace | Hinsdale Newborn Photographer | Naperville Newborn Photographer

This beautiful baby girl in Hinsdale is one of the larger newborns I’ve photographed.  Born at 9.9, she already has some rolls, which are so adorable!  Photographing newborn babies is always unique.  I can never predict how it will go, and this little thing was *this* close to getting a reshoot because she just couldn’t settle.  We were close to calling it quits when she finally zonked out hard enough to be put down.  I’m so happy we pushed through because these are some of my all time favorite newborn images.  Especially the one with mom.  To me, that should be an advertisement for something.  Love it!  And she really hated being photographed.  I hope she can look at that and see the inherent beauty of the bond between a newborn baby and mother.

Thank you to the parents and little Grace for a wonderful time!  And thank you to her grandma who was the one who actually found me!













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