Soaring Eagle Academy school for Autism

I had the pleasure of photographing Soaring Eagle Academy recently in Burr Ridge, Illinois.  It is a brand new school – but unlike anything else.   The Academy is a non-public special education facility founded by speech-language pathologists.  It is the first school in the Midwest to provide a social and academic learning environment utilizing a DIR® (Developmental Individual-Difference Relationship Based) approach for students age five through adolescence diagnosed with Autism and related disorders.

When I walked in, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Every student has a dedicated one-on-one aid that stay with them throughout the day.  In addition, therapists circle throughout the different rooms and interact with the children, as well.  It is a child-led environment with sensory rooms, a swing room, art therapy room, water room, and countless others!  These aides must be exhausted by the end of the day because the kids are in constant motion, and the aides are right there with them for it all.

The kids, themselves, did not really notice my presence at first, or just chose to ignore me.  Though by the end, one little girl snuck up slowly to me as I was photographing her, and she ended up sitting in my lap. LOL  They were all wonderful in their own, unique way.  And I loved getting to see their beauty and see such wonderful caregivers who not only dedicate their time for a “job” but have dedicated a part of their lives to these children.  It is not a simple child/teacher relationship that is happening inside this school.

If you have a child with autism who requires something outside the mainstream educational system, please check them out in the link provided.  They are also having a gala on November 5th.  Please contact them for more information.

I wanted to share a lot of images – which are documentary style.  No lighting or posing.