Playtime | Chicago Children's Photographer

You never know how a child is going to be, even when it is a child you know well.  If this sweet girl looks familiar, it is because I photographed her baby twin siblings a couple months ago.  She is also the reason I am in this business at all – as her mom was the very first person outside my own family to ask me to take her child’s picture…three years ago when Sarsha was born.  My point being, Sarsha knows me well, but even so, she’s just turned three, and you just never know what is going to happen with that age.  While she was happy, she was having none of my direction, so we scrapped my ideas and let her lead.  It was obvious that the “typical” photo session was not going to result in anything good.  What did she want to do?

Bubbles and playground!!  We took a quick trip to the local LaGrange playground, and let her be herself.

Sarsha enjoyed some focused attention without the babies around for a change.

But we couldn’t let an opportunity pass without having a complete family picture.