Carefree | Chicago Special Needs Photographer
I got to play with a new buddy! Meet Niko. He was your typical three-and-a-half year old. We went to a nice open area where all he wanted to do was run/walk towards the opposite side. LOL There was no distracting this little guy, he was a man a mission. I found myself jumping in front of him, running alongside, and doing whatever I could to take some nice pictures of him. While he wasn’t into doing anything he didn’t want to (typical!), he was super happy.
Niko has Down’s Syndrome and was not able to communicate with words, but it was clear he was pretty much like every kid that age – loving to be played with.
Ok, so after the above picture, dad went over to where all of our stuff was to give the baby sister a snack. I wanted to get some pictures of mom and Niko together. As we start walking, he takes my hand and wanted me to continue the 1, 2, 3 swing game. Of course I obliged him.
Oh, and did I mention his adorable baby sister??
Yeah, she was adorable, and also took my hand as we were leaving. But this day was Niko’s. Man do these kids have amazing blue eyes, or what??