Little Hero | Chicago Special Needs Photographer

This was a very special session for a very special little boy.  Sean has chromosome 18q syndrome.  It is a rare chromosomal disorder that produces several complications, including cognitive delays, muscle weakness, vision problems, etc.  Because of this syndrome, he also has cerebral palsy.   At 5 years of age, Sean struggles to lift his head…

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Studio | Chicago Children's Photographer

So when I had Sarsha’s three-year picture session the other week (blogged here), I had also brought my studio equipment but had a little disaster.  My lighting didn’t work…at all.  That is why the previous session was 100% outside.  But we wanted to get just a few studio shots, as well, so I got to…

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Sweetness | Chicago Newborn Photographer

Newborn sessions are always something special.  If you are not a photographer, you may look at newborn images and think they look easy.  Far from it.  Most of the time, newborn sessions are hard, sweaty work.  With heat cranked up to 80, in addition to a space heater, in order to keep babies happy, the…

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Brianna | Chicago Children's Photographer

This is not a typical update, as this was not a typical session. Brianna’s mom won my totally free session with the Naperville Magazine raffle, but she has deferred it until fall, but I wanted to try something and knew her daughter, Brianna, would be a perfect subject.  So this was just a little mini…

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Beautiful Family | Chicago Children's Photographer

Beautiful family portraits.  Something we all want, but it seems to be like the Fountain of Youth – something we’ve all heard of, something we want, but something we never actually get.  At least that is my own, personal experience.  I really need to hire a photographer to get a beautiful picture of my family…

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