All Boy | Chicago Children's Photographer

This is the first family who has traveled to me in order to have a session with me.  I was humbled.  Found me on Facebook and became fans.  They traveled all the way from Norway!!  That’s right…well…sort of.  They traveled from Norway, Michigan in the UP. 😉  But still, it was a six hour drive,…

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Triplets! | Chicago Children's Photographer

That’s right – triplets!  This client was referred to me by another client with five children, and when she assured me that the three-and-a-half year old triplets were really great, I had to take it with a grain of salt.  After all, wrangling a single three year old is plenty of work, much less three! …

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Sassy Sisters | Chicago Children's Photographer

These two brown eyed beauties were very ready for their photo shoot with me.  This is my third time taking their pictures, and their personalities haven’t changed a bit.  Miss Riley has always been my little model, striking poses here and there, coming up with ideas for me, and loving the experience in a relaxed…

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Autism Hope Alliance 2011 Calendar

I just received the official notice about Autism File Magazine’s collaboration with Autism Hope Alliance for their 2011 calendar – Autism Mothers Unite Worldwide.  Looks whose photo is on the cover! YAY.  I want to again thank the Naperville Mom’s of Autism meetup group for contacting me to photograph them.  If you missed the story…

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The Olympian | Chicago Childrens Photographer

David is my last model for the Celebrate Differences special needs calendar.  I was a little star struck when I met David to photograph him.  He’s the first Olympian I’ve ever met, after all.  With a pile of gold and bronze metals from the past two Special Olympics for horseback riding,  I was quite impressed. …

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Birthday Boy | Chicago Baby Photographer

I had seen little Grant only three months ago when he was 9 months old, and then he had a full head of dark brown hair!  I was shocked when I saw how different he looked now at one year.  This family’s lives had been in upheaval, having moved into their new house only one…

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Fox Valley Amazing Race

This past Saturday, I spent five hours of straight physical and mental exertion taking place in the second annual Fox Valley Amazing Race.  Much like the reality show, we had to solve clues to take us to a location and then perform physical, mental, and just plain old luck challenges.  There were 52 teams of…

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Dalton | Chicago Special Needs Photographer

I had been trying several times to get together with Dalton, but his mom and I always seemed to have scheduling conflicts.  On this day, it almost got canceled yet again due to all the rain we’ve been getting.  As I pulled into the parking lot, it started sprinkling.  We sat under a gazebo while…

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